By Tom Wolfe R.H. (AHG)

R.H. means Tom is a Registered Herbalist (since 1980) in the American Herbalists Guild (AHG)

“I have worked at Smile for 49 years and believe you me have heard Smile’s customers (Best most diverse customer folks in the world) speak of every Complementary Healing Modality many, many, many times over the decades. Of these many healing systems, that compliment  advancements of Western Medicine,  Ayurveda along with Yoga are to me the “Highest of the High” in Self Healing Systems”.

Tom Wolfe

This here blog discusses 6 great herbs within Understanding “Affordable Ayurveda”: If you have never heard of Ayurveda here is a link to a One page 13 word description of Ayurveda … this greatest of Self Healing Systems has been simplified to learning only 13 Words to Understand  Affordable Ayurveda.


Holy Basil & Passionflower, for Air … what is named Vata in Ayurveda

Black Pepper & Ginger Root, for Fire  …Pitta

Triphala & Marshmallow Root.. for Water and Earth … Kapha




The Herbal Science of Yoga … Ayurveda is an deep Herbal based  “Science of Self Healing” connected directly to Yoga. In fact the two are considered to be dear indivisible sisters in this Spiritual Journey.  H

A Dozen Holy Basil Products
Organic Ginger Root
Black Peppercorns
Organic Marshmallow
Triphala Powder
Triphala Gold 60s

The post Basic Herbs Of Ayurveda (Ayurveda is Yoga’s Herbal Sister) appeared first on Smile Herb School.
